mercredi, 17 septembre 2014
Considération sur l'apparence - nationalement vôtre
Source pour le texte intégral et plus d'images :
La journaliste freelance Esther Honig, basée à Kansas City (Missouri), mène une expérience originale sur la beauté humaine [...]. La jeune femme a envoyé son portrait, sans maquillage ni artifice, à près de 40 retoucheurs photo originaires de 25 pays différents (Sri Lanka, Ukraine, Philippines, USA, etc.), certains professionnels, certains amateurs. Elle a demandé à ses interlocuteurs, moyennant finance, de retoucher sa photo grâce à Photoshop. La seule consigne donnée à tous, explique Esther Honig, était la suivante : “me faire belle”. L’expérience n’est pas terminée, mais les premiers résultats sont fascinants. [...]
* In real life
07:00 Publié dans Photographie | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : photoshop, beauté, femme, visage
mardi, 16 septembre 2014
Considération sur l'apparence - La solution au problème et le problème de la solution
Tant que c'est sous photoshop...
Mais quand le scalpel s'en mêle...
07:02 Publié dans Photographie | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
lundi, 15 septembre 2014
Etymologie - Sosie, et considérations sur l'apparence
Source :
Sosie, subst. masc. : personne qui présente une ressemblance frappante avec une autre. Synon. double, jumeau, ménéchme (littér.). Ayez des Sosies (...) laissez arrêter à Strasbourg vos Sosies à votre place(Balzac,Tén. affaire, 1841, p. 252). Un jour sinistre arrive où il apprend qu'un faux Valjean, un sosie inepte, abject va être condamné à sa place (Baudel.,Art romant., 1862, p. 581).
Sosie de + subst. ou n. de pers. L'hôtel de Villedeuil, longtemps habité au XVIIesiècle par un singulier sosie de Louis XIV, le marquis de Dangeau (Fargue,Piéton Paris, 1939, p. 110).
> Pour davantage :
Source pour le texte intégral et plus d'images :
[...] A 62-year-old Montreal-based photographer has spent the last 12 years scouring the world for complete strangers who have alarmingly similar physical characteristics. The results, at least in part, support the contention that not only do these templates exist, but sometimes to such a degree that there are other human beings on the planet that look almost identical to others, despite no relation whatsoever. [...] “I was inspired by 2 things,” said photographer Francois Brunelle. “First I used to see look-alikes all over since a very long time. Second, my own likeness with TV character Mr Bean.” [...]
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General Douglas MacArthur - Bruce Willis
Judy Zipper - Leonardo Di Caprio
A Tennesse man from the civil war Era - Nicolas Cage
Pope Gregory IX - Sylvester Stallone
* *
Source et pour plus :
Heath Ledger - Joseph Gordon Levitt
Javier Bardem and Jeffrey Dean Morgan
Mischa Barton and Elijah Wood
07:00 Publié dans Les mots français, Votre dévouée | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : ressemblance, similarité, similitude, pareil, sosie
dimanche, 14 septembre 2014
@ Harissa #2
Crédits photographiques Jana Hobeika
07:00 Publié dans Beaux-Arts, Foi, Sculpture | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
samedi, 13 septembre 2014
Etymologie - hot dog
Source : Direct Matin, mercredi 27 novembre 2013
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07:09 Publié dans Les mots français | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
vendredi, 12 septembre 2014
Pendant ce temps, y'en a qui font du shopping
07:00 Publié dans Beaux-Arts, Peinture, Sculpture, Thèse | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : art, shopping
jeudi, 11 septembre 2014
Considérations sur l'argent - Money Science
This is science money
"Face of science is reshaped by billionaires", William J. Broad, The New York Times supplément au Figaro et vous, supplément au Figaro, 25 mars 2014 :
As public spending cuts result in labs shut down, scientists laid off and projects shelved, a profound change is taking place in the way science is paid for and practiced.
"For better or worse," said Steven A. Edwards of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, "the practice of science in the 21st century is becoming shaped less by national priorities or by peer-review groups and more by the particular preferences of individuals with huge amounts of money."
Science is increasingly becoming a private enterprise. From Silicon Valley to Wall Street, science philanthropy is hot, as many tycoons seek to reinvent themselves as patrons of social progress through science research.
More than a decade ago, Paul G. Allen, a founder of Microsoft, set up a brain science institute to which he donated $500 million. Fred Kavli, a technology and real estate billionaire, then established three brain institutes. It was this richely financed private research that gave birth to what President Obama last April called "the next great American project" - a $100 million initiative to probe the mysteries of the human brain.
The very rich have also mounted a private war on disease, with new protocols that beak down walls between academia and industry to turn basic discoveries into effective tratments. They are financing hunts for dinosaur bones and giant sea creatures. They are even beginning to challenge Washington in big science, with innovative ships, undersea craft and giant telescopes - as well as the first private mission to deep space.
These are people like Michael R. Bloomberg, the former New York mayor (and founder of the media company that bears his name), James Simons (hedge funds) and David H. Koch (oil and chemicals), among hundreds of wealthy donors. Especially prominent, though, are some of the biggest names in the tech world, among them Bill Gates (Microsoft), Eric E. Schmidt (Google) and Lawrence J. Ellison (Oracle).
They are donors who are impatient with the deliberate, and often politicized, pace of public science, they say, and willing to take risks that government cannot or simply will not consider.
Yet that personal setting of priorities is precisely what troubles some in the science establishment. Many of the patrons, they say, are ignoring basic research for a jumble of popular, feel-good fields like environmental studies, space exploration and, as in the case of Russia's Dimitry Itskov, a former media magnate, lifelike avatars.
Nature, a family of leading science journals, has warned that while "we applaud and fully support the injection of more private money into science, the financing could also "skew research" toward fields more trendy than central."
"Physics isn't sexy," William H. Press, a White House science adviser, said. "But everybody looks at the sky."
07:00 Publié dans Politique & co, Thèse | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)