samedi, 20 décembre 2014
La prière de Moïse - Rossini
Dal tuo stellato soglio Des cieux où tu résides
Signor, ti volgi a noi grand Dieu, toi qui nous guides
pietà de' figli tuoi comble les vœux timides
del popol tuo pietà d'un peuple gémissant
Pietà de' figli tuoi Comble les vœux timides
del popol tuo pietà d'un peuple gémissant
Se pronti al tuo potere Après un long orage
sono elementi, e sfere conduis-nous au rivage
Tu amico scampo addita et sauve du naugrage
al dubbio errante piè tes fidèles Hébreux
Pietoso Dio, ne aita Conduis-nous au rivage
Noi non viviam, che in te objet de tous nos voeux
In questo cor dolente Ô toi que tout révère
deh scendi, oh Dio clemente aux cieux et sur la terre
e farmaco soave écoute ma prière
gli sia di pace almen protège tes enfants
Il nostrocor che pena Ô toi que tout révère
deh tu conforta almen écoute nos accents
Dal tuo stellato soglio Des cieux où tu résides
Signor, ti volgi a noi grand Dieu, toi qui nous guides
Pietà de' figli tuoi de tes enfants timides termine les revers
Des popol tuo pietà grand Dieu, tu vois nos fers
07:02 Publié dans Foi, Musique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
vendredi, 19 décembre 2014
Requiem - Puccini
"In memoria di Giuseppe Verdi"
Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine,
Et lux perpetua luceat eis.
Requiescant in pace. Amen.
07:00 Publié dans Foi, Musique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
jeudi, 18 décembre 2014
O sacrum convivium - Pergolèse
Jean-Baptiste Pergolèse (1710-1736)
O sacrum convivium! O banquet sacré!
in quo Christus sumitur: dans lequel le Christ est reçu
recolitur memoria passionis ejus: la mémoire de la Passion
mens impletur gratia: l'esprit est comblé de grâce,
et futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur. et un gage de la gloire future nous est donné.
Alleluia Alleluia
O sacrum convivium! O sacred banquet!
in quo Christus sumitur: in which Christ is received,
recolitur memoria passionis ejus: the memory of his Passion is renewed,
mens impletur gratia: the mind is filled with grace,
et futurae gloriae nobis pignus datur. and a pledge of future glory to us is given.
Alleluia Alleluia
07:00 Publié dans Foi, Musique | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
mercredi, 17 décembre 2014
Quelques beaux sapins
Et dans quelques instants :
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source :
source :
source :
16:00 Publié dans Foi, Photographie | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : sapin, fond noir, fond d'écran
Oeuvres (in)sonores et mesostic - John Cage, Pierre Soulages
Pour une œuvre insonore/insensée
Pour deux œuvres sonores/sonnées
Pour un mesostic animé en musique
Triptyque, Pierre Soulages
Pour une œuvre insonore/insensée
Quatre minutes trente trois - John Cage
Version orchestre
Version piano
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Pour deux œuvres sonores/sonnées
Water Walk - John Cage
Interview télévisée, 1960
Sonatas & Interludes
Avec partition, années 1940, à rapprocher de la citation plus bas
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Source :
When I wish as now to tell of critical incidents, persons, and events that have influenced my life and work, the true answer is all of the incidents were critical, all of the people influenced me, everything that happened and that is still happening influences me.
My father was an inventor. He was able to find solutions for problems of various kinds, in the fields of electrical engineering, medicine, submarine travel, seeing through fog, and travel in space without the use of fuel. He told me that if someone says "can't" that shows you what to do. He also told me that my mother was always right even when she was wrong.
My mother had a sense of society. She was the founder of the Lincoln Study Club, first in Detroit, then in Los Angeles. She became the Women's Club editor for the Los Angeles Times. She was never happy. When after Dad's death I said, "Why don't you visit the family in Los Angeles? You'll have a good time," she replied, "Now, John, you know perfectly well I've never enjoyed having a good time." When we would go for a Sunday drive, she'd always regret that we hadn't brought so‑and‑so with us.[...]
When I was young and still writing an unstructured music, albeit methodical and not improvised, one of my teachers, Adolph Weiss, used to complain that no sooner had I started a piece than I brought it to an end. I introduced silence. I was a ground, so to speak, in which emptiness could grow. [...]
I don't know when it began. But at Edwin Denby's loft on 21st Street, not at the time but about the place, I wrote my first mesostic. It was a regular paragraph with the letters of his name capitalized. Since then I have written them as poems, the capitals going down the middle, to celebrate whatever, to support whatever, to fulfill requests, to initiate my thinking or my nonthinking [...]. I have found a variety of ways of writing mesostics: Writings through a source: Rengas (a mix of a plurality of source mesostics), autokus, mesostics limited to the words of the mesostic itself, and "globally," letting the words come from here and there through chance operations in a source text. [...]
Pour un mesostic animé en musique
07:09 Publié dans Beaux-Arts, Farce et attrape, Musique, Peinture, Portraits de personnalités | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : johns cage, soulages, mesostic
mardi, 16 décembre 2014
Etymologie - Snack
Avis aux rôdeurs sur les marchés de Noël,
amateurs de hot dog de Noël
New York, crédits photographiques Michaël Roussel
Snack, selon le Collins :
a light quick meal eaten between or in place of main mealsverb
(intransitive) to eat a snackword of origin
probably from Middle Dutch snacken, variant of snappen to snapsynonyms
light meal, bite, refreshment(s), nibble, titbit, bite to eat, elevensesin French
Snack, selon l'Oxford :
Eat a snack:
she likes to snack on yogurt
and many replaced meals with ‘grazing’ on foods
often dangerously high in saturated fat
Middle English (originally in the sense 'snap, bite'):from Middle Dutch snac(k), from snacken 'to bite', variant of snappen.
Senses relating to food date from the late 17th century.
> A consulter également :
07:00 Publié dans Les mots français, Photographie | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0)
lundi, 15 décembre 2014
Etymologie - Etre un cordon bleu
Source : Direct Matin, le 6 mars 2013
> Pour davantage :
07:00 Publié dans Les mots français | Lien permanent | Commentaires (0) | Tags : cordon bleu